In our blog, we tell stories about what we’re up to at the studio, our clients and the projects we are involved in.
Here you can find complete case studies, photo reports or simply accounts of the beautiful things made by the creatives we work with.
Creative Hubs Meetup at Saber Fazer (26 April)
Barbot Bernardo and the Textile Prototyping Lab (Berlin, Germany) are organising a meeting of Creative Hubs on 26 April (16:00-19:00) at Saber Fazer in Porto.
This meeting will take place as part of a working week shared by our two hubs as part of a peer-to-peer exchange organised by the ECHN - European Creative Hubs Network, of which we are both members.
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Interview with Joana Correia (Part 2)
This post is the second part of the interview with our good friend and partner Joana Correia from Nova Type Foundry (you can read the first part here).
For this second part of the interview, we packed great insights about the creative process of designing a new typeface, the specifics of independent foundries, being a woman in design, the business of typedesign, Joana's inspirations and a few reading recommendations for those starting a career.
Insights from Miguel Barbot - the other ‘half’ of Barbot Bernardo
“Being full-time in Saber Fazer/Ofício happened quite naturally: working side-by-side with my wife provides a sort of dream situation where all the professional and personal objectives are perfectly aligned. ”
In January 2023, the GatewayCrafts project was launched, coordinated by Barbot Bernardo (Saber Fazer / Ofício). We already had the opportunity to meet Alice Bernardo, co-founder of Saber Fazer/Ofício and the GatewayCrafts project. It is now time to get to know another face of this project, Miguel Barbot.
Free Download: The Break In Case of Emergency survival kit for independent musicians and labels!
Finally, here is your free download link for BREAK2023's digital guidebook, the SURVIVAL KIT prepared by the VicNic crew!
All the full masterclasses and roundtables are also freely available in video format on their YouTube playlist.
The first “Old Friends” event of 2024
At the first weekend of the year, Barbot Bernardo, Cru Creative Hub and RDI, Rede de Inovação, brought together a group of old and new friends in our space for an afternoon of conversation and networking.
We planned to bring together our local networks linked to consultancy, project management and international cooperation with people we have worked with over the last few years. It was. It was a collision between the worlds of cultural and creative industries, innovation and education, and we promise to organize more editions in the next few months.
Interview with Joana Correia (Part 1)
Porto-based Joana Correia, founder of Nova Type Foundry, has been a great inspiration. Joana has helped us grow as a design studio since we first sat down here on Rua da Aliança just over two years ago.
With her support, we have worked on ideas for new projects, learned so much about Type Design and the Type Foundries business, and met and maintained contact with many of the great talents of this international community.
Books, books and more books!
All our design projects start with a deep dive into our studio's ever-expanding library; today, it wasn't different.
We are in the early stages of a project for a hotel chain, starting a rebranding and strategic repositioning process.
We are exploring five possible paths in the creative direction and selected titles in art, craft, food culture, urban living, hospitality and interior design for our first brainstorming with the client.
How we made Susto’s identity
Our work with Susto began in 2021 with a strategic consultancy process to define the business model for the brand. Subsequently, our studio took on the challenge of creating a new identity.
The creative direction of the graphic project bounced between two possible paths: one inspired by neo-postmodernist currents, closely linked to the creative direction of the brand itself and the client's artistic work, and that of brutalism, in the most literal sense of the word and therefore more linked to the materiality of the objects and the author's experimental process.
How we made the GatewayCrafts identity
The challenge of GatewayCrafts Communication Design is to be itself an alluring gateway for potential students, as well as audiences looking for information and new discourses about creative industries, artisanal work and small-scale manufacturing. The goal is to communicate the project's positioning, what distinguishes it in this universe, demonstrate technical rigour with lightness and fluidity, and, above all, create curiosity.
FAHR 021.3
It was the first weeks of 2022 when Filipa and Hugo, the power duo behind the multidisciplinary studio FAHR 021.3, asked us to help them design a new strategy for their practice. The Porto studio was about to turn ten years old and was growing organically, having already achieved a remarkable international reach.
Our co-founder Alice Bernardo on Crafts Education
Alice Bernardo is the founder of Saber Fazer and Ofício. She is a specialist in education and transmission of technical knowledge in the fields of handmade and semi-industrial production in Portugal. She works as a trainer, consultant and researcher, specialising in producing raw materials and creating sustainable production chains from the environmental, social and economic points of view.
Alice shared with our GatewayCrafts project team a few words about her professional career and the birth of this project. During the interview, it was possible to understand better what led her and her business partner, Miguel Barbot, to develop GatewayCrafts and their goals.
Nova Type Foundry's Type Glossary
Our love for all typography's details originated Nova Type Foundry's Type Glossary. A Glossary of typography terminology comprises 32 posts where you can find information on several topics from typeface classifications, glyphs' anatomy, legibility rules, type design tips and much more.
How we made the BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY identity
Hugo Branco from Vic - Aveiro Arts House and Navalha, Associação Cultural, challenged us to design the identity of Break In Case of Emergency 2023, a kind of festival dedicated to sharing practical knowledge on themes and trends that affect the music industry.
"BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY is a two-week hybrid boot camp for independent musicians and labels, focused on exchanging practical skills concerning some of the most pressing aspects of today's independent music industry.”
Barbot Bernardo: Ofício and Saber Fazer
Those who have followed us over these years, and there are already a few, know that Saber Fazer and Ofício are siblings, offsprings from the same mother company. As a result, we share a roof, resources, team, management and even Capitão, the studio dog.
The story of this union is one we have never told. We have yet to explain the relationships, parallels and collisions between their activities, which, being very different, complement each other.
Viction:ary's Pallete Mini 09: Nature featured our design for Grampa.
"I love every one of the letters in the word Grampa. They work together in a very harmonic manner, and I explored different designs with great detail. I wanted an organic 'G' with a big, unconventional loop harmonising the other letters. "
ECHN - European Creative Hubs Network
Saber Fazer / Ofício has been an associate member of the ECHN - European Creative Hubs Network since the beginning of the year!
The positioning of Saber Fazer as an aggregator and facilitator in the universe of artisanal work and small-scale industrial production and its relevant role as a training entity, combined with the experience of Ofício in supporting entrepreneurs and businesses in the creative industries, has led us to participate in different projects and networks that go beyond our national borders.
GatewayCrafts was launched in January! GatewayCrafts is an Erasmus+ project proposed and coordinated by Saber Fazer / Ofício and which has @cru_creativehub (Portugal) and @materahub (Italy) as partners. The project consists of preparing pilots to facilitate access to technical knowledge in small-scale manufacturing and artisan work. In addition, over the next few months, we will be developing and distributing high-quality educational content free of charge, oriented and adapted for contemporary audiences and digital media.
How we made the ONEX. identity
Recently we finished the branding and graphic design strategy for a leading Portuguese catering solutions provider.
The challenge with ONEX (Onexperience Group) entailed simplifying how the brand is presented in different markets and developing a new identity and shared visual system for the seven companies composing the conglomerate.
We developed a comprehensive visual system to organize the brand presence in different media. The strategy was to put forward a strong presence, combining typographic elements with an expansible set of symbols and colours representing each of the present and future business areas.
Bombarda Podcast
After difficult times during the pandemic, Bombarda, Porto's Art District community, came together again to favour different projects, fostering innovation and networking in a frankly and continually creative territory.
BOMBARDA is a podcast dedicated to everyday topics in the Miguel Bombarda neighbourhood in Porto. Made by and for residents of this territory - whether residents or entrepreneurs - this space exists to record and amplify reflections and discussions around the local development of the well-known "Art District" in Porto, whether these are cultural issues, social, environmental, urbanistic or economic.
Ofício/ Saber Fazer is a VET provider certified in Portugal by DGERT
We open the year 2023 with excellent news: Ofício/ SABER FAZER has become a Vocational Education and Training (VET) provider certified in Portugal by DGERT!